Roosevelt Dental Blog

ER Vs. Your Dentist: How to Get Help Fast for Your Dental Emergency

April 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rooseveltdental @ 9:53 pm
Dentists rushing to help a patient

If you or someone you know has had to visit an emergency room or urgent care before, you’re aware of how long it can take medical staff to go through the queue. Sometimes it seems like everyone and their brother is in the same waiting room all at the same time.

When you experience a dental emergency, your first instinct might be to go to the ER. That’s what it’s for, right? Emergencies?

Yes, but it might be better and faster for you to call an emergency dentist instead. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of doctor, don’t worry. Keep reading so you know how to get the most efficient care possible for your emergency.


How to Avoid a Dental Emergency on Valentine’s Day

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rooseveltdental @ 8:36 pm

Happy couple holding paper heartsValentine’s Day is right around the corner. As you make reservations for dinner and shop for a perfect gift for your sweetheart, the last thing you expect is a dental emergency interrupting your plans. 1 in 6 Americans experience a dental emergency every year. Although there’s never a good day to have one, there’s no worse time for a dental emergency to occur than on a holiday. Don’t worry. Here’s how you can lessen your risk of an oral health problem ruining your night.
